Friday, January 11, 2008

Additional ans to add on to previous ans for facilitator's question

  1. Mobile racks which give maximum utilisation of the warehouse space whilst allowing 100% access to the pallets.
  2. The superstructure is fixed onto electrically powered mobile bases, which move on rails embedded in the floor.
  3. The system allows the operator to open the aisle required with a single command.
  4. This solution allows usage of up to 95% of the warehouse space and is increasingly relevant in the drive for lower warehouse cost.
  5. Can be used to store many types of palletized unit loads – boxes, drums, sacks etc.
  6. You reduce the costs for new buildings and utilise existing storage space much better, or both.
  7. Reduction of energy cost for heating cooling lightening.
  8. Cleaning and operating cost reduced in storage area due to smaller total area.